function NNEditorRange(t, win) { var obj = NN.Browser.MSIE ? new IERange() : new W3Range(); obj.NN = t.NN; = win; obj.doc = win.document; obj.selectionType = { 'NONE': 0, 'TEXT': 1, 'CONTROL': 2 }; obj.focus = function () {; }; obj.getNode = function () { var t = this, r = t.getRng(), s = t.getSel(), e; if (!NN.Browser.MSIE) { if (!r) { return t.doc.body; } e = r.commonAncestorContainer; if (!r.collapsed) { if (NN.Browser.isWebKit && s.anchorNode && s.anchorNode.nodeType == NN.DOM.ELEMENT_NODE) { return s.anchorNode.childNodes[s.anchorOffset]; } if (r.startContainer == r.endContainer) { if (r.startOffset - r.endOffset < 2) { if (r.startContainer.hasChildNodes()) { e = r.startContainer.childNodes[r.startOffset]; } } } } return NN.DOM.getParent(e, function (n) { return n.nodeType == NN.DOM.ELEMENT_NODE; }); } return r.item ? r.item(0) : r.parentElement(); }; obj.isCollapsed = function () { if (!this.range) { var s = this.getSel(), r = this.getRng(); if (!r) { return false; } } else { var s = this.getSel(), r = this.range; } if (NN.Browser.MSIE) { return r.text == ''; } else { if (isString(s)) { // Safari return s == ""; } else { // Mozilla/W3 return s.isCollapsed || s.toString() == ''; } } }; obj.setRng = function (r) { var s = this.getSel(), r = this.getRng(); if (!NN.Browser.MSIE) { if (s) { s.removeAllRanges(); s.addRange(r); } } else { try {; } catch (ex) {} } }; = function (n, c) { var t = this, r = t.getRng(), s = t.getSel(), b, fn, ln, d = this.doc; function first(n) { return n ? d.createTreeWalker(n, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, false).nextNode() : null; }; function last(n) { var c, o, w; if (!n) { return null; } w = d.createTreeWalker(n, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, false); while (c = w.nextNode()) { o = c; } return o; }; if (NN.Browser.MSIE) { try { b = d.body; if (/^(IMG|TABLE) $/.test(n.nodeName)) { r = b.createControlRange(); // Creates a controlRange collection r.addElement(n); // Adds an element to the controlRange collection } else { r = b.createTextRange(); r.moveToElementText(n); }; } catch (ex) {} } else { if (c) { fn = first(n); ln = last(n); if (fn && ln) { r = d.createRange(); r.setStart(fn, 0); r.setEnd(ln, ln.nodeValue.length); } else { r.selectNode(n); } } else { r.selectNode(n); } t.setRng(r); } this.setSelection(); // �끸쁾�끸쁾�끸쁾�끸쁾�끸쁾�끸쁾 IE�먯꽌 �� �� range瑜� 媛깆떊�쒕떎. return n; }; obj.setSelection = function () { this.focus(); this.range = this.getRng(); this.rangeType = this.getType(this.range); }; obj.setCurClickObject = function () { var r = this.getRng(); if (NN.Browser.MSIE) { try { var o = r.parentElement(); } catch (e) { if (typeof console != 'undefined') console.warn('setCurClickObject=', e.description); return; } } else { var o = r.commonAncestorContainer.parentNode; } return typeof o == 'undefined' ? null : o; }; obj.getType = function () { var t = this, s = t.getSel(), r = t.getRng(); if (NN.Browser.MSIE) { return this.selectionType[s.type.toUpperCase()]; } else { var stype = 1; if (r.startContainer == r.endContainer && (r.endOffset - r.startOffset) == 1 && r.startContainer.nodeType != NN.DOM.TEXT_NODE) { stype = this.selectionType.CONTROL; } return stype; } }; obj.isBlock = function (n) { return /^(H[1-6]|HR|P|DIV|ADDRESS|PRE|FORM|TABLE|OL|UL|TD|CAPTION|BLOCKQUOTE|CENTER|DL|DT|DD|DIR|FIELDSET|NOSCRIPT|NOFRAMES|MENU|ISINDEX|SAMP)$/.test(n.nodeName); }; obj._getSelectedBlocks = function (st, en) { var ed = this.editor, dom = NN.DOM, s = this, sb, eb, n, bl = []; sb = dom.getParent(st || s.getStart(), this.isBlock.bind2(this)); eb = dom.getParent(en || s.getEnd(), this.isBlock.bind2(this)); if (sb) { bl.push(sb); } if (sb && eb && sb != eb) { n = sb; while ((n = n.nextSibling) && n != eb) { if (this.isBlock(n)) { bl.push(n); } } } if (eb && sb != eb) { bl.push(eb); } return bl; }; obj.getStart = function () { var t = this, r = t.getRng(), e; if (NN.Browser.MSIE) { if (r.item) { return r.item(0); } r = r.duplicate(); r.collapse(1); e = r.parentElement(); if (e && e.nodeName == 'BODY') { return e.firstChild; } return e; } else { e = r.startContainer; if (e.nodeName == 'BODY') { return e.firstChild; } return NN.DOM.getParent(e, function (n) { return n.nodeType == 1; }); } }; obj.getEnd = function () { var t = this, r = t.getRng(), e; if (NN.Browser.MSIE) { if (r.item) { return r.item(0); } r = r.duplicate(); r.collapse(0); e = r.parentElement(); if (e && e.nodeName == 'BODY') { return e.lastChild; } return e; } else { e = r.endContainer; if (e.nodeName == 'BODY') { return e.lastChild; } return NN.DOM.getParent(e, function (n) { return n.nodeType == 1; }); } }; obj.cloneNode = function (node) { if (!NN.DOM.isElm(node)) { return null; } var destNode = this.NN[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()](); var attrName; var attrVal; for (var i = 0; i < node.attributes.length; i++) { attrName = node.attributes[i].nodeName.toLowerCase(); attrVal = node.attributes[i].nodeValue; if (attrName.indexOf("_moz") > -1 || attrName.indexOf("contenteditable") > -1) { continue; } if (attrVal == null || attrVal.length == 0 || attrVal == 0) {} else { destNode.setAttribute(attrName, attrVal, 0); } } if (NN.Browser.MSIE && != "") { =; } return destNode; }; obj.exec = function (handler, newNode) { var rng = this.getRng(); var mk = new NNEditorMK(this.makeMK()); try { mk.pasteMK(rng); this.makeParaByMK(mk); handler(mk, newNode); } catch (e) { if (typeof console != 'undefined') console.log(e); } finally { mk.removeMK(); } }; obj.makeParaByMK = function (mk) { if (mk.hasSel) { var sNode = this.makeParagraph(mk.leftMK); var eNode = this.makeParagraph(mk.rightMK); while (sNode != eNode) { if (NN.DOM.includeNode(sNode, eNode)) { break; } this.makeParagraph(sNode); if (sNode.nextSibling) { sNode = sNode.nextSibling; } else { while (sNode) { if (sNode.nextSibling) { break; } sNode = sNode.parentNode; } if (!sNode) { break; } sNode = sNode.nextSibling; } } } else { this.makeParagraph(mk.pointMK); } }; obj.makeParagraph = function (mNode) { var _node = mNode; if (NN.DOM.chkListNode(mNode)) { return mNode; } else if (NN.DOM.insideTable(mNode)) { var wNode = NN.DOM.schParaInTable(mNode); if (wNode) { return wNode; } else { var cNode = NN.DOM.schCellNode(mNode); var nNode = this.NN.p(); NN.DOM.moveChild(cNode, nNode); cNode.appendChild(nNode); return nNode; } } else { var wNode = NN.DOM.schParaNode(mNode); if (wNode) { return wNode; } } while (_node.previousSibling) { if (NN.DOM.chkBrNode(_node.previousSibling)) { break; } else if (NN.DOM.chkBlockNode(_node.previousSibling)) { break; } else if (NN.DOM.chkParaNode(_node.previousSibling)) { break; } _node = _node.previousSibling; } var wNode = this.NN.p(); NN.DOM.insertAt(wNode, _node); var nextNode; while (_node) { if (NN.DOM.chkBlockNode(_node)) { break; } nextNode = _node.nextSibling; wNode.appendChild(_node); if (NN.DOM.chkBrNode(_node)) { break; } _node = nextNode; } if (NN.Browser.Firefox) { if (!NN.DOM.chkBrNode(wNode.lastChild)) { wNode.appendChild(; } } return wNode; }; obj.divNodeByMK = function (mk) { var pNode = NN.DOM.schParaNode(mk); if (!pNode) { var gNode = NN.DOM.schGroupNode(mk) || this.doc.body; pNode = NN.DOM.chkListNode(gNode) ? : this.NN.p(); var cNode = gNode.firstChild; while (cNode) { pNode.appendChild(cNode); cNode = gNode.firstChild; } gNode.appendChild(pNode); } var dvNode; while (mk.previousSibling != pNode) { var cnNode = this.cloneNode(mk.parentNode); if (!cnNode) { break; } if (dvNode) { cnNode.appendChild(dvNode); } var cNode = mk.nextSibling; while (cNode) { cnNode.appendChild(cNode); cNode = mk.nextSibling; } NN.DOM.insertNext(mk, mk.parentNode); dvNode = cnNode; } NN.DOM.insertNext(dvNode, pNode); if (NN.Browser.MSIE) { if (NN.DOM.chkParaNode(pNode)) { this.insNbsp(pNode); } if (NN.DOM.chkParaNode(dvNode)) { this.insNbsp(dvNode); } } else if (NN.Browser.Firefox) { if (NN.DOM.chkParaNode(pNode)) { this.insBr(pNode); } if (NN.DOM.chkParaNode(dvNode)) { this.insBr(dvNode); } } if (mk.previousSibling) { NN.DOM.insertAt(mk, mk.previousSibling); } return dvNode; }; obj.insBr = function (node) { if (node.childNodes.length == 0 || node.lastChild.nodeType == 3 || !NN.DOM.chkNode(node.lastChild, 'br')) { if (NN.DOM.hasNodeByTagName(node, 'div')) { return; } if (NN.Browser.MSIE && NN.DOM.schCellNode(node)) { return; } node.appendChild(; } }; obj.insNbsp = function (node) { while (node.firstChild) { node = node.firstChild; } if (NN.DOM.chkNode(node, NN.DOM.NOCURSOR_TAGS)) { node = node.parentNode; } if (node.nodeType != 1) { node = node.parentNode; } if (node.childNodes.length == 0) { if (node.childNodes.length < 2) { node.innerHTML = " "; } } }; obj.pasteContent = function (html, newline) { var newline = false; if (!this.lastRange) { this.focus(); this.lastRange = this.getRng(); } var rng = this.getRng(); rng.collapse(true); this.exec(function (mk) { if (newline) { var dvLNode = this.divNodeByMK(mk.pointMK); NN.DOM.insertAt(mk.pointMK, dvLNode.firstChild); var dvLNode2 = this.divNodeByMK(mk.pointMK); NN.DOM.insertNext(mk.pointMK, dvLNode2.firstChild); dvLNode.innerHTML = html; this.moveCurToNode(dvLNode2); } else { var _tmpNode = this.NN['div'](html); var _node = _tmpNode.firstChild; mk.pasteNodeAtMK(_node); _tmpNode = null; this.moveCurNextToNode(_node); } }.bind2(this)); }; obj.pasteContent2 = function (html) { if (!this.lastRange) { this.focus(); this.lastRange = this.getRng(); } var rng = this.getRng(); rng.collapse(true); this.exec(function (mk) { try { var dvLNode = this.divNodeByMK(mk.pointMK); NN.DOM.insertAt(mk.pointMK, dvLNode.firstChild); var dvLNode2 = this.divNodeByMK(mk.pointMK); NN.DOM.insertNext(mk.pointMK, dvLNode2.firstChild); dvLNode.innerHTML = html; this.moveCurToNode(dvLNode2); } catch (e) { var _tmpNode = this.NN['div'](html); var _node = _tmpNode.firstChild; mk.pasteNodeAtMK(_node); _tmpNode = null; this.moveCurNextToNode(_node); } }.bind2(this)); }; obj.resetContent = function () { t.getText().value = ''; t.getIFDoc().body.innerHTML = t.getOpt('START_HTML'); }; obj.pasteOnlyContent = function (html) { if (!this.lastRange) { this.focus(); this.lastRange = this.getRng(); } var rng = this.getRng(); rng.collapse(true); this.exec(function (mk) { var _node = this.doc.createTextNode(html); mk.pasteNodeAtMK(_node); this.moveCurNextToNode(_node); }.bind2(this)); }; return obj; } function W3Range() { this.getSel = function () { if (this.lastSel && ! { //SXI.Selection.restore(this.lastSel); SXI.Selection2.restore(,this.lastSel); } return; }; this.getRng = function () { var oSEl = this.getSel(), r; try { if (oSEl) { r = oSEl.rangeCount > 0 ? oSEl.getRangeAt(0) : (oSEl.createRange ? oSEl.createRange() :; } } catch (ex) { } if (!r) { r = NN.Browser.MSIE ? :; } return r; }; this.init = function () {; }; this.insertNode = function (newNode) { var s = this.getSel(), r = this.getRng(); r.setStart(s.focusNode, r.startOffset); r.insertNode(newNode); this.node = newNode; }; this.hasSel = function () { var sel = this.getSel(); return (sel && !sel.isCollapsed); }; this.makeMK = function () { if (this.hasSel()) { return { hasSel: true, leftMK: this.NN.span({ id: "leftMK" }), rightMK: this.NN.span({ id: "rightMK" }) }; } else { return { hasSel: false, pointMK: this.NN.span({ id: "mk" }) }; } }; this.selectRange = function (rng) { var sel = this.getSel(); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(rng); }; this.surroundText = function (tag, attributes, text) { if (!this.lastRange) { this.focus(); this.lastRange = this.getRng(); } if (this.hasSel()) { var rng = this.getRng(); var objMK = new NNEditorMK(this.makeMK()); objMK.pasteMK(rng); var wrapNode = objMK.getBoundary(tag); if (wrapNode) { var sValue, sName; var oStyles =; for (sName in oStyles) { sValue = oStyles[sName];[sName] = sValue; } rng.selectNode(wrapNode); objMK.removeMK(); } else { var textNodes = objMK.cltTextInMK(); textNodes.each2(function (textNode) { if (textNode.nodeType && textNode.nodeType == 1) { if (!NN.DOM.chkNode(textNode, 'img')) { return; } } else if (textNode.textContent.length == 0) { return; } var newNode = this.NN[tag](attributes); textNode.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, textNode); newNode.appendChild(textNode); }.bind2(this)); if (textNodes.length == 1) { rng.selectNode(textNodes[0].parentNode); } else { var rng = objMK.getRangeAroundMarker(this.getRng()); this.selectRange(rng); } objMK.removeMK(); } } else { var anonmyousFunc = function (objMK) { var newNode ='span'); var sValue, sName; var oStyles =; for (sName in oStyles) { sValue = oStyles[sName];[sName] = sValue; } newNode.innerHTML = '\ufeff'; objMK.pasteNodeAtMK(newNode); if (text != null) { newNode.innerHTML = text; } this.moveCurToNode(newNode); }.bind2(this); this.exec(anonmyousFunc); anonmyousFunc = null; } }; this.moveCurToNode = function (node) { if (!node) { return; } var _rng = this.getRng(), _sel = this.getSel(); while (node.firstChild) { node = node.firstChild; } if (NN.DOM.chkNode(node, NN.DOM.NOCURSOR_TAGS)) { node = node.parentNode; } var takenDummy = false; if (node.nodeType == 3 && node.nodeValue == '') { node.nodeValue = '\ufeff'; takenDummy = true; } try { _rng.selectNodeContents(node); } catch (e) { _rng = this.doc.createRange(); _rng.selectNodeContents(node); } _sel.removeAllRanges(); _sel.addRange(_rng); _sel.collapseToStart();; if (takenDummy) { node.nodeValue = ''; } return _sel; }; this.moveCurNextToNode = function (node) { var rng = this.getRng(); rng.selectNode(node); var sel = this.getSel(); sel.addRange(rng); sel.collapseToEnd();; }; this.ctrlEnter = function (ev) { var rng = this.getRng(); rng.collapse(false); this.exec(function (mk) { var pointMK = mk.pointMK; var blockNode = NN.DOM.schNode(pointMK, ['li', 'button', 'td', 'th']); if (blockNode == null) { var dvLNode = this.divNodeByMK(pointMK); if ( < this.doc.documentElement.offsetHeight) { var _oldTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop; dvLNode.scrollIntoView(false); document.documentElement.scrollTop = _oldTop; } this.moveCurToNode(dvLNode); } else if (NN.DOM.chkNode(blockNode, 'li')) { var lNode = blockNode; var cNode = lNode.firstChild; var isEmpty = true; while (true) { if (!cNode) { break; } if (cNode.nodeType == 3 && cNode.nodeValue != '') { isEmpty = false; break; } if (cNode.firstChild) { cNode = cNode.firstChild; } else if (cNode.nextSibling) { cNode = cNode.nextSibling; } else { cNode = cNode.parentNode; if (cNode == lNode) { break; } else { cNode = cNode.nextSibling; } } } if (isEmpty) { NN.DOM.insertAt(pointMK, lNode); var isEnd = lNode.nextSibling ? false : true; var grandLgNode = lNode.parentNode.parentNode; NN.DOM.removeNode(lNode); var dvLNode = this.divNodeByMK(pointMK); var _nWNode = NN.DOM.chkNode(grandLgNode, ['ul', 'ol']) ? : this.NN.p(; NN.DOM.insertAt(_nWNode, dvLNode); if (isEnd) { if (_nWNode.nextSibling) { NN.DOM.removeNode(_nWNode.nextSibling); } } this.moveCurToNode(_nWNode); } else { var dvLNode = this.divNodeByMK(pointMK); this.moveCurToNode(dvLNode); } } else if (NN.DOM.chkNode(blockNode, 'button')) { var _nWNode = this.NN.p(; NN.DOM.insertAt(_nWNode, blockNode); this.moveCurToNode(_nWNode); } else if (NN.DOM.chkNode(blockNode, ['td', 'th'])) { var dvLNode = this.divNodeByMK(pointMK); dvLNode.scrollIntoView(false); this.moveCurToNode(dvLNode); } }.bind2(this)); NN.Utils.prevent(ev); }; } function IERange() { this.getSel = function () { return; }; this.getRng = function () { var oSEl = this.getSel(); return oSEl.createRange(); }; this.init = function () {; }; this.hasSel = function () { var sel = this.getSel(); var type = sel.type.toLowerCase(); if (type === 'none') { return false; } else if (type === 'control') { return false; } else if (type === 'text') { var rng = sel.createRange(); if (rng && rng.htmlText) { return rng.htmlText.length > 0; } else { return false; } } else { return true; } }; this.removeAllRanges = function () { var s = this.getSel(); s.empty(); }; this.addRange = function (r) { var s = this.getSel(), r = this.getRng(); nr = this.doc.body.createTextRange(); nr.moveToElementText(this.node); nr.moveStart("textedit"); // 而ㅼ꽌瑜� �껋� �딅뒗��.; if (s.type.toUpperCase() != "NONE") { s.clear(); } }; this.makeMK = function () { if (this.doc.getElementById('leftMK')) { NN.DOM.removeNode(this.doc.getElementById('leftMK')); } if (this.doc.getElementById('rightMK')) { NN.DOM.removeNode(this.doc.getElementById('rightMK')); } if (this.doc.getElementById('mk')) { NN.DOM.removeNode(this.doc.getElementById('mk')); } if (this.hasSel()) { var rng1 = this.getRng(); var rng2 = this.getRng(); rng1.collapse(true); rng1.pasteHTML(''); rng2.collapse(false); rng2.pasteHTML(''); return { hasSel: true, leftMK: this.doc.getElementById('leftMK'), rightMK: this.doc.getElementById('rightMK') }; } else { var rng = this.getRng(); rng.pasteHTML(''); return { hasSel: false, pointMK: this.doc.getElementById('mk') }; } }; this.surroundText = function (tag, attributes, text) { if (!this.lastRange) { this.focus(); this.lastRange = this.getRng(); } if (this.hasSel()) { var objMK = new NNEditorMK(this.makeMK()); var wrapNode = objMK.getBoundary(tag); if (wrapNode) { var sValue, sName; var oStyles =; for (sName in oStyles) { sValue = oStyles[sName];[sName] = sValue; } objMK.removeMK(); } else { var textNodes = objMK.cltTextInMK(); textNodes.each2(function (textNode) { if (textNode.nodeType && textNode.nodeType == 1) { if (!NN.DOM.chkNode(textNode, 'img')) { return; } } else if (textNode.nodeValue.length == 0) { return; } var newNode = this.NN[tag](attributes); textNode.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, textNode); newNode.appendChild(textNode); }.bind2(this)); objMK.removeMK(); } } else { this.exec(function (objMK, newNode) { objMK.pasteNodeAtMK(newNode); if (text != null) { newNode.innerHTML = text; } this.moveCurToNode(newNode); }.bind2(this), this.NN[tag](attributes, "\ufeff")); } }; this.moveCurToNode = function (node) { var rng = this.getRng(); var crNode = this.NN.span("\ufeff"); while (node.firstChild) { node = node.firstChild; } if (NN.DOM.chkNode(node, NN.DOM.NOCURSOR_TAGS)) { node = node.parentNode; } if (node.nodeType != 1) { node = node.parentNode; } if (node.firstChild) { NN.DOM.insertAt(crNode, node.firstChild); } else { node.appendChild(crNode); } rng.moveToElementText(crNode); rng.collapse(false);; NN.DOM.removeNode(crNode); }; this.moveCurNextToNode = function (node) { var rng = this.getRng(); if (!rng.moveToElementText) { return; } var crNode = this.NN.span(); NN.DOM.insertNext(crNode, node); rng.moveToElementText(crNode); rng.collapse(false);; NN.DOM.removeNode(crNode); }; } function NNEditorMK(mk) { var obj = NN.Browser.MSIE ? new IEMK() : new FFMK(); obj.init = function (mk) { var _hasSel = this.hasSel = (mk.hasSel || false); if (_hasSel) { this.leftMK = mk.leftMK; this.rightMK = mk.rightMK; } else { this.pointMK = mk.pointMK; } }; obj.removeMK = function () { if (this.hasSel) { NN.DOM.removeNode(this.leftMK); NN.DOM.removeNode(this.rightMK); } else { NN.DOM.removeNode(this.pointMK); } }; obj.walkBetweenNodes = function (oNode, oEndNode, aNodesBetween) { if (!oNode) return false; if (!this.recurGetChildNodesUntil(oNode, oEndNode, aNodesBetween)) return false; var oNextToChk = oNode.nextSibling; while (!oNextToChk) { if (!NN.DOM.parentNodeFix(oNode)) return false; oNode = NN.DOM.parentNodeFix(oNode); aNodesBetween[aNodesBetween.length] = oNode; if (oNode == oEndNode) return false; oNextToChk = oNode.nextSibling; } return this.walkBetweenNodes(oNextToChk, oEndNode, aNodesBetween); }; obj.recurGetChildNodesUntil = function (oNode, oEndNode, aNodesBetween) { if (!oNode) return false; var bEndFound = false; var oCurNode = oNode; if (oCurNode.firstChild) { oCurNode = oCurNode.firstChild; while (oCurNode) { if (!this.recurGetChildNodesUntil(oCurNode, oEndNode, aNodesBetween)) { bEndFound = true; break; } oCurNode = oCurNode.nextSibling; } } aNodesBetween[aNodesBetween.length] = oNode; if (bEndFound) return false; if (oNode == oEndNode) return false; return true; }; obj.cltTextInMK = function () { var aNodesBetween = []; cnt = 0; if (!this.leftMK || !this.rightMK) return aNodesBetween; this.walkBetweenNodes(this.leftMK, this.rightMK, aNodesBetween); return aNodesBetween; }; obj.pasteNodeAtMK = function (node) { var mk = this.hasSel ? this.leftMK : this.pointMK; NN.DOM.insertAt(node, mk); }; obj.getBoundary = function (tag) { if (!this.hasSel) { return false; } var _leftMarker = this.leftMK; var _rightMarker = this.rightMK; var _startNode = _leftMarker.parentNode; var _endNode = _rightMarker.parentNode; var _preLeftNode = _leftMarker.previousSibling; var _nextLeftNode = _leftMarker.nextSibling; var _isPreEmpty = (!_preLeftNode || (_preLeftNode.nodeType == 3 && _preLeftNode.nodeValue == "")); var _preRightNode = _rightMarker.previousSibling; var _nextRightNode = _rightMarker.nextSibling; var _isNextEmpty = (!_nextRightNode || (_nextRightNode.nodeType == 3 && _nextRightNode.nodeValue == "")); if (_isPreEmpty && _isNextEmpty && _startNode == _endNode && NN.DOM.chkNode(_startNode, tag)) { return _startNode; } else if (_nextLeftNode == _preRightNode && _nextLeftNode.nodeType == 1 && NN.DOM.chkNode(_nextLeftNode, tag)) { return _nextLeftNode; } else { return null; } }; obj.init(mk); return obj; } function IEMK() { this.pasteMK = function (rng) {}; } function FFMK() { this.pasteMK = function (rng) { if (this.hasSel) { this.pasteMKBySplitText(rng); } else { this.pasteMKAtPoint(rng); } }; this.pasteMKAtPoint = function (rng) { if (this.hasSel) { return; } rng.deleteContents(); rng.insertNode(this.pointMK); rng.selectNode(this.pointMK); rng.collapse(false); }; this.pasteMKBySplitText = function (rng) { if (!this.hasSel) { return; } if (rng.endContainer.nodeType == 3) { rng.endContainer.splitText(rng.endOffset); rng.endContainer.parentNode.insertBefore(this.rightMK, rng.endContainer.nextSibling); } else { rng.endContainer.insertBefore(this.rightMK, rng.endContainer.childNodes[rng.endOffset]); } if (rng.startContainer.nodeType == 3) { rng.startContainer.splitText(rng.startOffset); rng.startContainer.parentNode.insertBefore(this.leftMK, rng.startContainer.nextSibling); } else { rng.startContainer.insertBefore(this.leftMK, rng.startContainer.childNodes[rng.startOffset]); } }; this.getRangeAroundMarker = function (rng) { var leftMarker = this.leftMK; var rightMarker = this.rightMK; rng.setEnd(leftMarker.parentNode, NN.DOM.getIndex(leftMarker) + 1); rng.setEnd(rightMarker.parentNode, NN.DOM.getIndex(rightMarker)); return rng; } }